Friday, February 3, 2017

Bowling Green

While I'm learning how to use a tablet to adapt my art to a digital format, I created another text shirt: We Are Bowling Green *Never Remember* You can find it on my Redbubble site. There are lots of styles and colors to choose from. Why not have a little fun at the govt's expense, right? I know Twitter is having a lot of fun with this.

Aside from this new design, as I mentioned, I'm learning how to use a drawing tablet. I've commandeered the really ancient Wacom tablet (the kids have newer ones) so I can figure it out. It's really strange having my hand move on the tablet while I'm looking at the screen. Instead of hand-eye coordination, there's a bit of a disconnect. Shouldn't take too long to get the hang of it, however. I have a design in mind that I want to make.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Positively Rebellious

There's an old saying that goes "May you live in interesting times." With all that's going on these days, you could definitely say now qualifies. It seems like everyone is galvanized either to the right or the left. I'm a bit of a left-leaner myself. My family is at risk in many ways if the current administration gets its way in all things. I'm trying to be proactive and positive, so I'm using my talents to promote positive, yet strong messages. If you agree, you might like what I put up on my Redbubble page. If not, that's okay too. No matter what, I want everyone to have what they need, whether that be shelter, food, medical care, or all of the above.

This design is the first of many, I hope. I'm a David Tennant fan anyway, and when he said these inspiring words, I just knew they needed to be on a shirt. It's the perfect thing to wear to a march (pussy hats, anyone?), or in your everyday life when you want to make a subtle point.

Whatever you do, join in. Support your team. Be vocal. Don't be violent. We're all in this together.